Since the beginning, our event and community have been sponsored by a bunch of lovely people, and we’d like to highlight the amazing individuals and brands that are supporting us.
Pretty Tea are a Montreal based company, who “hope to change a little bit the way you drink tea”. They are purveyors of incredibly delicious blends and innovative new flavours.
Catherine, one of the founders, is on hand every month at another incredible event, Creative Mornings MTL to greet attendees with a selection of warm brews and a smile.
As the popularity of tea continues to spread, new exciting flavours keep emerging. Being a tea aficionado myself, I can say I’ve really enjoyed the Pretty Tea flavours I’ve tried so far. Be sure to warm up on Friday night in the tea corner!
Behance Reviews 6 kicks off on Friday, November 7 at 6:00pm. Register today via Eventbrite.